World of change

If I had to implement one change to the world in order to make it a better place I would make basic healthcare accessible to everyone. The idea that there are basic human rights that so many people are too unlucky to have access too is heartbreaking. As someone who has a diabetic sister, I cannot even imagine living life with no health insurance. The bleak reality is that so many diabetics lose their life because they cannot afford the medical supplies they need to simply exist, all because of corporate greed. Obviously this is not just applicable to diabetics but people suffering with health complications all over the world. It is inexcusable that we allow so many people to suffer until they die because we have not implemented a system to provide adequate healthcare to all. While there are so many important world issues that I could choose to fix, I feel that unaccessible healthcare is one of the worlds greatest tragedies. 

(Bianco How Becoming a Doctor Works 2023)


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